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An Interview with Laura Perry Smalts

David Sorn

Jan 19, 2025

Listen to the amazing testimony of Laura Perry Smalts who had previously lived as a man for 8 years until she found Jesus Christ!



(Series Slide)

Good morning. My name is David Sorn, and I’m the Lead Pastor here at Renovation Church.

We’re so excited that you are here this morning.

We are in the midst of a 4-week series called, “America’s Golden Calves” where we are looking at some of the most common ways that Americans tend to revise God into a falsified image.

And certainly, one of the places that is true is in the arena of Gender & Sexuality.

Unfortunately, there is confusion on this subject, sometimes even in churches.

And so it’s important to look at what the Bible itself actually has to say on these tough topics.

If you’re visiting for the first time today, I want to point you to a resource, and that is our 4-week teaching series we did last year, simply called:

(Gender & Sexuality Slide)

Gender & Sexuality…

…where we did a deep-dive study into what the Bible actually has to say on these two important topics.

You can find that on our website, message podcast, youtube, and more.

But I want to tell you now about the special thing we have happening today:

Last year, I had an opportunity to speak at a Gender & Sexuality Conference alongside Laura Perry Smalts, and I was so in awe, not only of her story, but of her wisdom and her walk with Jesus.

That I was determined to have her come share her story with you.

Before I invite Laura up to do just that, I do also want to tell you:

(Laura Perry Smalts slide with evening session info)

That tonight, from 7-9pm, Laura will also be doing an evening session on “Understanding Gender Dysphoria”…

….and also a session on “The Dangers of Gender Transition.”

With Q&A time included after both sessions.

Childcare will be provided that evening.

Our prayer is that if you are wrestling with this topic, or someone in your family or close to you has been affected by this topic… (or you just want to know more about it)

…that this evening session, will lots of rich content, will be a blessing to you.

All right, without further ado, I want to invite up to the stage, Laura Perry Smalts

QUESTION (29:00): Tell us what life was like growing up for you.

Grew up in a Christian home

Difficult relationship with Mom

Did not understand relationship with Jesus

Full of bitterness and jealousy & emotional walls

QUESTION: Many who struggle with gender dysphoria tend to describe it starting at a fairly early age, what did that look like for you?

Teased and trouble fitting in with girls

Always felt different from girls

More “tomboy” and struggled with weight problems and chronic health problems

QUESTION: And did that confusion lead to shame, anger, what did that look like?

Molested at age 8

Guilt and Shame

Sexual curiosity, experimenting with friends

QUESTION: What changed for you as you got older? Especially into your teen years and early 20’s?

Diagnosed with PCOS at age 14

Angry at God

Turned away from God

Sexual sin - Used and rejected over and over

QUESTION (18:00): So how did you actually develop an interest in transitioning to living as a man?

Felt like I had no worth or value as a woman

Began to believe I was supposed to have been a man

Found support group

QUESTION: Tell us a little bit about the physical & biological changes you pursued, and more importantly, how you felt after each one?

Began gender transition at age 25

Physical appearance changes - excitement

Legal changes


Depression – this isn’t real

QUESTION (8:00): So how does God come in the mix here? How did things begin to change?

God was pursuing me

Began seeing God as good rather than evil

Hunger for His Word

Saw how my mom had been transformed

Gave my life to Jesus

Wanted to be a “man of God”

QUESTION: So what do you do….now that you’re following Jesus, but you’ve already walked down this road?

God did not leave me there

He called me to leave that lifestyle

Walking away / dying to self

Healing and transformation

Marriage and Ministry


(An Interview with Laura Perry Smalts)

Our prayer is that Laura’s story has been not only helpful to you, but that it inspired you to trust more deeply in the power of Jesus.

I think of the story of the Prodigal Son that Jesus tells in the Bible.

A young adult son leaves home and starts living in a wild, sinful lifestyle.

But yet, when he feels the deep pain of his mistakes, he decides to try coming back to His father.

And his father, when he sees his son coming a long way off…runs to his son and embraces him.

And he says this:

(Luke 15:24) – NIV

this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’

This is the heart of God the Father for you.

No matter how far you’ve gone from him, and no matter what you’ve done.

In fact, the main story of the Bible is that God sent His Son Jesus Christ on a rescue mission for you.

And Jesus died on the cross for your sins.

In dying on the cross, He was taking the punishment you deserved.

And the Bible says that if you believe in that…in God’s love for you…

And you repent of your sins…

That is, you turn from them, and say, “God, I want to follow you instead.”

“I want you to be my Savior and the Leader of my life”

That you can be forgiven.

That you can have eternal life in heaven.

And….that you can know Jesus personally.

SO much so that He can transform your life.

In a way that you never even thought possible.

It’s all real. It’s true. And it’s amazing.

And if you’ve never given your life over to Jesus, I encourage you to see our follow-up team in the front right after the service today, and they will help lead you to Jesus.

And we want to help walk with you to help you follow Jesus.

No matter what.


All right, thank you everyone for being here

(Laura Perry Smalts slide with evening session info)

We’ll see many of you back here from 7-9 tonight.

Have a great day.


David Sorn

Renovation Church in Blaine, MN

You may use this material all you like! We only ask that you do not charge a fee and that you quote the source and not say it is your own.

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