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Carried to Carry
David Sorn
Sep 12, 2021
Mark 2: 1-5
We need to both be carried to Jesus and carry others to Jesus.
(13895886-0ade-46d7-8597-cfb4f1478364 Series Slide)
Good morning, church.
My name is David Sorn. I’m the Lead Pastor here.
This is going to be such an exciting next 7 days or so for our church.
It’s a week we’ve really been looking forward to!
This morning, I want us to look at a passage that I pray will be helpful for us as we navigate all of the things that will happen here in the next week or so.
(Page 683)
(Mark 2)
(Renovation App)
This is a story from early in Jesus’ ministry.
Word about Him is starting to spread and the crowds are getting bigger and bigger
And people are starting to tell all of their friends to come and hear from Jesus
Except there were some, weren’t able to make it there on their own.
Let’s take a look
(Mark 2:1 5) – NIV
A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. 2 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. 3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Then Jesus goes on to teach that He is God’s Son (the Messiah) and that He CAN forgive sins…
And he validates that very truth by healing the paralyzed man as well.
(Carried to Carry Title Slide)
But I really want us to focus on this first part of the passage today…the part we read
Think about the setting here.
Picture it in your mind.
The house is jammed packed with people.
People are packed in like sardines
But these 4 men are desperate to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus
In those days, houses in Israel had an outside stairway in which you could access the roof…
And so the 4 men and their friend get to the roof of this packed house, and shockingly they begin to DIG through the roof the Bible says.
Roofs in those days were made of thatch and dirt (maybe clay)…perhaps tile if it was a nicer house…all laid over beams.
And these guys dig a hole in the roof of someone’s house…because they have to get their friend to Jesus.
Okay, so based on this passage of Scripture, I have 2 questions for you today.
The first is this:
2 Questions:
#1: Who is going to carry you to Jesus when you need it?
When your life gets hard…
Or sin starts pulling you away from God…
Or your spiritual heart just starts to grow lukewarm…
Who in your life is going to say, “My friend:
“I’m praying for you…
“let me help you in this time…
“let me serve you…
“come to church with me again…let’s pray together again…”
Who is going to carry you to Jesus when you need someone to carry you to Jesus?
Because you will.
Life is not all mountains…it has its valleys too
I was reading a leadership book this summer, and the author gave a really helpful illustration regarding this point.
He told of a time in his life when he was being checked into the hospital for surgery, and while they were getting him ready for a fairly routine surgery, the nurse stuck an IV into his arm.
And he said, “What’s that for?”
And she said, “It’s a precaution. If an emergency happens, we’ll be ready. You’re prewired for a crisis”
Are YOU prewired for a crisis in your life?
Because this is a huge issue for the way most Christians in America are trying to live out their faith and “do church” right now.
Across the country, American Christians of modern day might be the most isolated Christians in the history of Christianity.
That sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s probably not.
Based on just societal trends alone there’s enough data there.
We socialize at about 10% of what our great grandparents did.
And you throw on top of that COVID…
And you throw on top of that changing church trends where many Christians have reduced church to something you consume, or podcast…
And most American Christians are more isolated from other Christians than they ever have been before.
And see, when life is going great, walking the Christian life that way, doesn’t actually feel that risky.
But when a crisis hits, and you haven’t pre wired yourself with Christian community (with other real life Christians who are close to you), that crisis can then break you.
Who’s carrying you to Jesus when a crisis hits?
And this is our society right now…
I can literally tell you story after story of the past few years where people come to us as leaders, and say, “Can you help? My brother, my dad, my friend attends this church once a month, or they livestream this church in a different state, but a crisis happened to them, and they don’t have any help because they don’t know actually KNOW any other Christians”
Friends, that may be what church looks like for a lot of people in America today…
But that’s not what church looks like in the Bible
Church (in Scripture)…is a body of people…that do life together…and when one of us is hurting, we help carry that person to Jesus.
That’s what our House Groups are all about.
We’ve been talking about them all summer…waiting for this moment, where we could launch them again…in a very normal way J
If you’re newer around here, House Groups are our groups of around 30 adults that meet together weekly…and an astounding 80% of our adults are in one!
They spend half the night in a large group of 30, hanging out, making friends, 1 person shares a faith story of what God’s doing in their life, there’s a 5 minute video from whomever is teaching on Sundays here…going deeper into the passage.
Then the 2nd half is spent in small groups of 4 7 people throughout the house.
Allowing you to go deeper in friendships and deeper in Scripture, and apply it to your life.
And we now have 12 different House Groups on 5 different nights…including TWO Brand New House Groups.
And you can see ALL of that information on the card that was on your chair when you walked into today
But perhaps the greatest thing about House Groups is what happens outside of the group.
House Groups gives you Christian friends who can do life together with you.
House Groups gives you, in a sense, a small church of your own, where people can really know you.
And friends, this is going to help you grow spiritually!
Think of an old fireplace with coals.
A coal in the group stays hot, but turns cold when it’s not.
By itself, the fire goes out, but in the group…it keeps hot.
I reached out to our amazing House Leaders last week, and I said, “Tell me where you saw your group loving and supporting one another last year…being the church…carrying each other to Jesus”
And they told me stories like:
…one group had 3 babies born in 2 months
And each time, their house group provided almost daily meals for those families…and support during that time of transition.
Our groups take care of each other like that.
We want you to be KNOWN like that.
You say, “people don’t live like this anymore,”
Well, we do!
Another leader told me a story of how their group helped one of the families in their group during a really dark time.
They prayed for them, provided emotional support, and even got them linked up with some really helpful resources for their family.
Another leader told me a story of how one member of their group was in a serious financial need.
So the group, unbeknownst to that member, decided to help him out.
And when the leader asked how much the man needed in this very serious need…it was $1,000.
Guess how much the group had raised? $1,000.
Other groups told me stories of how they rallied around a brand new believer, and spent extra time with him helping him grow in his brand new faith.
Or another group told of how they prayed (for years!) for a group member’s husband to come to Christ, and spent time serving and loving that family, and then got to watch him come to Christ…and now that family is hosting their house group this year!
My friends, “church,” as the Bible describes it is not just hearing a message and “getting fed”
The Church is the people of God coming together and doing life together…and spurring one another on to love and good deeds and to more passionately following Jesus.
We want you to have friends in your life that would carry you to Jesus
And the amazing thing is…we can provide that…that’s the beauty of this church and our House Groups system
So please, whatever you do, sign up for a House Group today when it’s time later in the service.
But really there’s a 2nd question we must ask if we’re going to look hard at this passage in Mark 2:
And it’s this:
2 Questions:
#1: Who is going to carry you to Jesus when you need it?
#2: Who do you need to carry to Jesus?
Who is it in your life (a friend, a coworker, a family member) …that you need to help carry to Jesus?
You need to share your faith with them….
Buy them a Bible…
Send the a video of Christian teaching…
Or invite them to Grand Opening next Sunday to hear about Jesus…
Who is that you need to carry to Jesus?
Jesus is so pleased with those 4 friends.
Look at verse 5 again:
(Mark 2:5) – NIV
5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
It doesn’t say, “when Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed man…”
It actually says, “When Jesus saw their faith.”
The faith of the friends…
Now, the paralyzed man obviously had to have faith too.
But Jesus is so happy, so pleased with the faith of these 4 friends.
These 4 men felt an urgency for evangelism
Their friend was in dire need…and Jesus was in town.
But no one knew for how long.
And so they had to get their friend to Jesus…at any cost.
They felt the URGENCY of evangelism.
And we should feel the same sort of urgency…..but we don’t, because we fall for the illusion in thinking that we have time.
But if we could look back at our lives from 10 million years into the future, and see this moment, we too, would feel the urgency of evangelism on earth.
And also, in a lot of ways, I believe that when you truly experience Jesus, and especially the love of someone else carrying you to Jesus, you’ll want to help carry others to Jesus.
We are, in a sense, carried to carry.
We’ve been carried to Jesus, and now it’s our turn to carry someone else
Church, we have an incredible opportunity in front of us next week.
The Grand Opening of this building.
There are lots of different methods of evangelism, but we’ve talking a lot lately about “invitational evangelism” (inviting someone to church) because of this very opportunity.
People are SO open to coming on Grand Openings.
Way more so than even a regular Sundays 2 months from now.
Don’t miss this critical opportunity.
Text your friend before you go to sleep tonight and ask them to come.
Or call them up…
Send a message on social media
We’re going to hand you all invite cards on the way out today…
Make it your goal to give them all away by next Sunday to people you work with or know.
Trust God.
For many of you, there are a lot of people in your life that you couldn’t invite in February, but they would come now.
Or they said they’d come in February, but it didn’t work out…invite them back now.
This is crazy to think about: There are people sitting in this room right now…whose best friend or family member is going to have their life turned around by Jesus in this room, 7 days from now…how amazing is that?
But it will take effort on your part.
I think that’s one thing we often get wrong in the church today.
Evangelism is hard work.
And this passage clearly shows it
This was not easy work.
These 4 men had to figure out how they were going to carry their friend
What would they put him on?
How would they rig up the ropes?
And I doubt it was a 20 foot walk either.
They were sweating, working, there’s effort!
Just like there is for you and me…it’s not easy.
And then there are obstacles along the way!
They get there, and oh no, it looks like there is no room.
They could have given up right there.
You might ask your friend to come next week and they could say “no,” or they give you an excuse you think they can overcome.
Should you just give up?
Did the 4 men just turn around when the house was full?
No, they climbed right up the stairs and started digging through the roof!
And as soon as they did, they hit another obstacle!
You know what it was?
I guarantee as soon as they started digging, people started to critique them!
You will get the same.
Some of your family members will critique you…and tell you to stop talking to your other family members about Jesus.
You might get critiqued at work for it.
The criticisms will come.
Did these 4 men stop when people criticized them?
No. They would not rest…until they could get this friend to Jesus.
And don’t you rest either.
No one said it would be easy.
I always tell people, the first time someone ever witnessed to me and told me about Christ, I yelled out in anger and I told them “they had 10 seconds to get out of my house”
I’m glad people didn’t give up on me.
If someone tells you “no” this week, or even tells you that you have 10 seconds to get out of their house J, please don’t give up.
Climb some more stairs, dig through the roof if you have to…
But don’t give up.
We have a mission…church…
The city around us is dying in their sins.
God wants to use you to rescue them.
About 3 or 4 years ago, I came across this video of September 11th, and it just really spoke to me.
And I made a mental note that I needed to show it to you…when the time is right.
And the time is right.
I never actually planned to show it on the weekend of Sept. 11th, but that’s kind of how it happened.
Take a look
Do you feel that within you?
What you’re feeling, watching that video, is a feeling that points to the fact that God designed you to make a difference…
And in fact, he designed you to be a part of an even greater rescue mission.
And friends, we have a MISSION.
God has put us in this city…in this county…right now…for a rescue mission.
This is a key moment in our church’s life.
And I know that so many of you are going to answer the call this week.
And you’re going to say as that one captain said, “I couldn’t sit there and do nothing. I had to go”
And you’re going to go.
And no one’s saying it’s going to be easy.
But God is going to move.
And ultimately, we must put our trust in Him.
Keep praying for your 3 people that we started praying for last week.
If you weren’t here, we’re asking everyone to pray every day for 3 people they want to invite.
And come and pray with us this week.
If we’re going to see lots of lives turned around…the lives of OUR friends and family…we HAVE to pray.
And so we’re literally holding prayer meetings every single night this week from 6:30 7:30pm right here in this room.
I want every single one of you to come to at least 1 prayer meeting this week
Many of you will come to 2 or 3
Some of you will be here every night
If you can, and are willing, I encourage you to even fast on the day you’re coming.
If you want information on what the Bible teaches about fasting or how to do it for the first time, we have a GREAT handout on it on our Welcome Table.
We’ll have children’s ministry provided at every prayer meeting for nursery – 6 year olds.
Please, let’s come together and ask God to help us with this rescue mission.
This is the moment we’ve been working for, waiting for, praying for… for a long time.
It’s time to go out.
It’s time to trust that are God can do immeasurably more than we can imagine.
And if we do this…we come on our knees…asking God to move…and we go out in faith…
You are going to be blown away…but what our God can do!
Let me pray that He does it!
Copyright: David Sorn
Renovation Church in Blaine, MN
You may use this material all you like! We only ask that you do not charge a fee and that you quote the source and not say it is your own.YOU NEED PEOPLE TO CARRY YOU TO JESUS
(13895886-0ade-46d7-8597-cfb4f1478364 Series Slide)
Good morning, church.
My name is David Sorn. I’m the Lead Pastor here.
This is going to be such an exciting next 7 days or so for our church.
It’s a week we’ve really been looking forward to!
This morning, I want us to look at a passage that I pray will be helpful for us as we navigate all of the things that will happen here in the next week or so.
(Page 683)
(Mark 2)
(Renovation App)
This is a story from early in Jesus’ ministry.
Word about Him is starting to spread and the crowds are getting bigger and bigger
And people are starting to tell all of their friends to come and hear from Jesus
Except there were some, weren’t able to make it there on their own.
Let’s take a look
(Mark 2:1 5) – NIV
A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. 2 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. 3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Then Jesus goes on to teach that He is God’s Son (the Messiah) and that He CAN forgive sins…
And he validates that very truth by healing the paralyzed man as well.
(Carried to Carry Title Slide)
But I really want us to focus on this first part of the passage today…the part we read
Think about the setting here.
Picture it in your mind.
The house is jammed packed with people.
People are packed in like sardines
But these 4 men are desperate to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus
In those days, houses in Israel had an outside stairway in which you could access the roof…
And so the 4 men and their friend get to the roof of this packed house, and shockingly they begin to DIG through the roof the Bible says.
Roofs in those days were made of thatch and dirt (maybe clay)…perhaps tile if it was a nicer house…all laid over beams.
And these guys dig a hole in the roof of someone’s house…because they have to get their friend to Jesus.
Okay, so based on this passage of Scripture, I have 2 questions for you today.
The first is this:
2 Questions:
#1: Who is going to carry you to Jesus when you need it?
When your life gets hard…
Or sin starts pulling you away from God…
Or your spiritual heart just starts to grow lukewarm…
Who in your life is going to say, “My friend:
“I’m praying for you…
“let me help you in this time…
“let me serve you…
“come to church with me again…let’s pray together again…”
Who is going to carry you to Jesus when you need someone to carry you to Jesus?
Because you will.
Life is not all mountains…it has its valleys too
I was reading a leadership book this summer, and the author gave a really helpful illustration regarding this point.
He told of a time in his life when he was being checked into the hospital for surgery, and while they were getting him ready for a fairly routine surgery, the nurse stuck an IV into his arm.
And he said, “What’s that for?”
And she said, “It’s a precaution. If an emergency happens, we’ll be ready. You’re prewired for a crisis”
Are YOU prewired for a crisis in your life?
Because this is a huge issue for the way most Christians in America are trying to live out their faith and “do church” right now.
Across the country, American Christians of modern day might be the most isolated Christians in the history of Christianity.
That sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s probably not.
Based on just societal trends alone there’s enough data there.
We socialize at about 10% of what our great grandparents did.
And you throw on top of that COVID…
And you throw on top of that changing church trends where many Christians have reduced church to something you consume, or podcast…
And most American Christians are more isolated from other Christians than they ever have been before.
And see, when life is going great, walking the Christian life that way, doesn’t actually feel that risky.
But when a crisis hits, and you haven’t pre wired yourself with Christian community (with other real life Christians who are close to you), that crisis can then break you.
Who’s carrying you to Jesus when a crisis hits?
And this is our society right now…
I can literally tell you story after story of the past few years where people come to us as leaders, and say, “Can you help? My brother, my dad, my friend attends this church once a month, or they livestream this church in a different state, but a crisis happened to them, and they don’t have any help because they don’t know actually KNOW any other Christians”
Friends, that may be what church looks like for a lot of people in America today…
But that’s not what church looks like in the Bible
Church (in Scripture)…is a body of people…that do life together…and when one of us is hurting, we help carry that person to Jesus.
That’s what our House Groups are all about.
We’ve been talking about them all summer…waiting for this moment, where we could launch them again…in a very normal way J
If you’re newer around here, House Groups are our groups of around 30 adults that meet together weekly…and an astounding 80% of our adults are in one!
They spend half the night in a large group of 30, hanging out, making friends, 1 person shares a faith story of what God’s doing in their life, there’s a 5 minute video from whomever is teaching on Sundays here…going deeper into the passage.
Then the 2nd half is spent in small groups of 4 7 people throughout the house.
Allowing you to go deeper in friendships and deeper in Scripture, and apply it to your life.
And we now have 12 different House Groups on 5 different nights…including TWO Brand New House Groups.
And you can see ALL of that information on the card that was on your chair when you walked into today
But perhaps the greatest thing about House Groups is what happens outside of the group.
House Groups gives you Christian friends who can do life together with you.
House Groups gives you, in a sense, a small church of your own, where people can really know you.
And friends, this is going to help you grow spiritually!
Think of an old fireplace with coals.
A coal in the group stays hot, but turns cold when it’s not.
By itself, the fire goes out, but in the group…it keeps hot.
I reached out to our amazing House Leaders last week, and I said, “Tell me where you saw your group loving and supporting one another last year…being the church…carrying each other to Jesus”
And they told me stories like:
…one group had 3 babies born in 2 months
And each time, their house group provided almost daily meals for those families…and support during that time of transition.
Our groups take care of each other like that.
We want you to be KNOWN like that.
You say, “people don’t live like this anymore,”
Well, we do!
Another leader told me a story of how their group helped one of the families in their group during a really dark time.
They prayed for them, provided emotional support, and even got them linked up with some really helpful resources for their family.
Another leader told me a story of how one member of their group was in a serious financial need.
So the group, unbeknownst to that member, decided to help him out.
And when the leader asked how much the man needed in this very serious need…it was $1,000.
Guess how much the group had raised? $1,000.
Other groups told me stories of how they rallied around a brand new believer, and spent extra time with him helping him grow in his brand new faith.
Or another group told of how they prayed (for years!) for a group member’s husband to come to Christ, and spent time serving and loving that family, and then got to watch him come to Christ…and now that family is hosting their house group this year!
My friends, “church,” as the Bible describes it is not just hearing a message and “getting fed”
The Church is the people of God coming together and doing life together…and spurring one another on to love and good deeds and to more passionately following Jesus.
We want you to have friends in your life that would carry you to Jesus
And the amazing thing is…we can provide that…that’s the beauty of this church and our House Groups system
So please, whatever you do, sign up for a House Group today when it’s time later in the service.
But really there’s a 2nd question we must ask if we’re going to look hard at this passage in Mark 2:
And it’s this:
2 Questions:
#1: Who is going to carry you to Jesus when you need it?
#2: Who do you need to carry to Jesus?
Who is it in your life (a friend, a coworker, a family member) …that you need to help carry to Jesus?
You need to share your faith with them….
Buy them a Bible…
Send the a video of Christian teaching…
Or invite them to Grand Opening next Sunday to hear about Jesus…
Who is that you need to carry to Jesus?
Jesus is so pleased with those 4 friends.
Look at verse 5 again:
(Mark 2:5) – NIV
5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
It doesn’t say, “when Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed man…”
It actually says, “When Jesus saw their faith.”
The faith of the friends…
Now, the paralyzed man obviously had to have faith too.
But Jesus is so happy, so pleased with the faith of these 4 friends.
These 4 men felt an urgency for evangelism
Their friend was in dire need…and Jesus was in town.
But no one knew for how long.
And so they had to get their friend to Jesus…at any cost.
They felt the URGENCY of evangelism.
And we should feel the same sort of urgency…..but we don’t, because we fall for the illusion in thinking that we have time.
But if we could look back at our lives from 10 million years into the future, and see this moment, we too, would feel the urgency of evangelism on earth.
And also, in a lot of ways, I believe that when you truly experience Jesus, and especially the love of someone else carrying you to Jesus, you’ll want to help carry others to Jesus.
We are, in a sense, carried to carry.
We’ve been carried to Jesus, and now it’s our turn to carry someone else
Church, we have an incredible opportunity in front of us next week.
The Grand Opening of this building.
There are lots of different methods of evangelism, but we’ve talking a lot lately about “invitational evangelism” (inviting someone to church) because of this very opportunity.
People are SO open to coming on Grand Openings.
Way more so than even a regular Sundays 2 months from now.
Don’t miss this critical opportunity.
Text your friend before you go to sleep tonight and ask them to come.
Or call them up…
Send a message on social media
We’re going to hand you all invite cards on the way out today…
Make it your goal to give them all away by next Sunday to people you work with or know.
Trust God.
For many of you, there are a lot of people in your life that you couldn’t invite in February, but they would come now.
Or they said they’d come in February, but it didn’t work out…invite them back now.
This is crazy to think about: There are people sitting in this room right now…whose best friend or family member is going to have their life turned around by Jesus in this room, 7 days from now…how amazing is that?
But it will take effort on your part.
I think that’s one thing we often get wrong in the church today.
Evangelism is hard work.
And this passage clearly shows it
This was not easy work.
These 4 men had to figure out how they were going to carry their friend
What would they put him on?
How would they rig up the ropes?
And I doubt it was a 20 foot walk either.
They were sweating, working, there’s effort!
Just like there is for you and me…it’s not easy.
And then there are obstacles along the way!
They get there, and oh no, it looks like there is no room.
They could have given up right there.
You might ask your friend to come next week and they could say “no,” or they give you an excuse you think they can overcome.
Should you just give up?
Did the 4 men just turn around when the house was full?
No, they climbed right up the stairs and started digging through the roof!
And as soon as they did, they hit another obstacle!
You know what it was?
I guarantee as soon as they started digging, people started to critique them!
You will get the same.
Some of your family members will critique you…and tell you to stop talking to your other family members about Jesus.
You might get critiqued at work for it.
The criticisms will come.
Did these 4 men stop when people criticized them?
No. They would not rest…until they could get this friend to Jesus.
And don’t you rest either.
No one said it would be easy.
I always tell people, the first time someone ever witnessed to me and told me about Christ, I yelled out in anger and I told them “they had 10 seconds to get out of my house”
I’m glad people didn’t give up on me.
If someone tells you “no” this week, or even tells you that you have 10 seconds to get out of their house J, please don’t give up.
Climb some more stairs, dig through the roof if you have to…
But don’t give up.
We have a mission…church…
The city around us is dying in their sins.
God wants to use you to rescue them.
About 3 or 4 years ago, I came across this video of September 11th, and it just really spoke to me.
And I made a mental note that I needed to show it to you…when the time is right.
And the time is right.
I never actually planned to show it on the weekend of Sept. 11th, but that’s kind of how it happened.
Take a look
Do you feel that within you?
What you’re feeling, watching that video, is a feeling that points to the fact that God designed you to make a difference…
And in fact, he designed you to be a part of an even greater rescue mission.
And friends, we have a MISSION.
God has put us in this city…in this county…right now…for a rescue mission.
This is a key moment in our church’s life.
And I know that so many of you are going to answer the call this week.
And you’re going to say as that one captain said, “I couldn’t sit there and do nothing. I had to go”
And you’re going to go.
And no one’s saying it’s going to be easy.
But God is going to move.
And ultimately, we must put our trust in Him.
Keep praying for your 3 people that we started praying for last week.
If you weren’t here, we’re asking everyone to pray every day for 3 people they want to invite.
And come and pray with us this week.
If we’re going to see lots of lives turned around…the lives of OUR friends and family…we HAVE to pray.
And so we’re literally holding prayer meetings every single night this week from 6:30 7:30pm right here in this room.
I want every single one of you to come to at least 1 prayer meeting this week
Many of you will come to 2 or 3
Some of you will be here every night
If you can, and are willing, I encourage you to even fast on the day you’re coming.
If you want information on what the Bible teaches about fasting or how to do it for the first time, we have a GREAT handout on it on our Welcome Table.
We’ll have children’s ministry provided at every prayer meeting for nursery – 6 year olds.
Please, let’s come together and ask God to help us with this rescue mission.
This is the moment we’ve been working for, waiting for, praying for… for a long time.
It’s time to go out.
It’s time to trust that are God can do immeasurably more than we can imagine.
And if we do this…we come on our knees…asking God to move…and we go out in faith…
You are going to be blown away…but what our God can do!
Let me pray that He does it!
Copyright: David Sorn
Renovation Church in Blaine, MN
You may use this material all you like! We only ask that you do not charge a fee and that you quote the source and not say it is your own.
David Sorn
Renovation Church in Blaine, MN
You may use this material all you like! We only ask that you do not charge a fee and that you quote the source and not say it is your own.
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