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In April of 2009, Lead Pastor David Sorn followed his calling to start a brand-new church and moved on from his role as Pastor of High School Ministries at Constance Free Church in Andover to begin the process of starting Renovation Church in Blaine. From April to September 2009, Pastor David began preparing, planning, praying, and gathering people to help plant the church. Renovation Church officially launched on October 4, 2009, in the gym of Northpoint Elementary School. The launch of Renovation Church was quite successful, and after “Launch Sunday,” Renovation Church settled into a church of just over 100 people. The church then began to grow, and literally hasn’t stopped growing since. 

As we continued to grow, we knew we could not stay (or fit!) in the gym at Northpoint Elementary School forever. In the fall of 2014, we began raising money to purchase land. In August 2017, we purchased 6.5 acres right next to the SE corner of Lexington Ave & 125th Ave in Blaine. We then began to raise funds so we could one day have a permanent building of our own. Construction on our brand-new building began in 2020, and we officially opened our building on September 19th, 2021!

Ever since we began working on our building, God continued to provide amazing opportunities that we could not have expected.  The 1.5 acres to the south of our property was DONATED to us (wow!), and we were able to purchase the 2.3 acres to the north, which had previously been a Shell gas station.  This gave us over 10 acres total, and the ability to expand!

After opening our new church building in late 2021, we continued to grow quickly as a church.  In February of 2023, we raised over $5 Million in 3-year pledges to expand our building as we had run out of room in our new building in less than 2 years! Construction began in June of 2023 to more than double the size of our building, and it finished in the summer of 2024.  We are in awe of what God continues to do through our church!  

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